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Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu 24sata te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona .

purgerica prva
Da, da, imaju sve svoje, sami proizvode hranu, grade, ne cijepe se, koriste samo lijekove iz prirode, ne znaju štop je bolest a kamo li rak! Nisu promiskuitetni, nije čudo što istraživanja govore kako su najzdraviji na kugli zemaljskoj. I slažem se, moderan život je precijenjen, njegove posljedice tek slijede.
i što se čeka?.... adios
A koji si ti faktor, kokolo? Samo još jedan SJW i internet troll
ok... od kud asfalt po kojem vozi na slici?
"Samo još jedan SJW ".... je zato sam fan sargon of akkada, AIU, bearinga ....i trumpovac.... toljago
The Amish have very high rates of certain diseases almost unheard of in other populations, such as SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency disorder), at rates of Prikaži još ↓
Since almost all Amish descend from about 200 18th-century founders, genetic disorders that come out due to inbreeding exist in more isolated districts (an exam Prikaži još ↓
Certain technologies are generally considered alright to be used, however, in certain ways. As seen in the example of the car, while an Amishman will not own o Prikaži još ↓
Amish may use technologies in certain situations, though they wouldn’t necessarily own those technologies, or use them in other circumstances, such as in the ho Prikaži još ↓
Amish use a variety of other technologies. These may vary from small home appliances to power tools to batteries. The Amish may derive power from battery elect Prikaži još ↓
10 Modern Luxuries The Amish Actually Use......Washing Machines....Refrigerators....Planes, Trains & Automobiles.....Telephones And Cell Phones.....Genetically Prikaži još ↓
Važna obavijest:

Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu 24sata te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona .