I,koja je svrha ovog clanka? Jeli,ona ustaljena teza, Hitler je najveci gad na svijetu, ubica, diktator,nacista, itd... ukratko,fujjj Hitler!? Nabrojalo se sve sto je radio Hitler i sto ga cini najvecim zlocincom na svijetu a danasnji "napredni" svijet, ljevicari,liberali se potrgase upravo zbog istih zala, kako bi ih ozakonili. Aloo racun vam ne stima. Negdje ste se debelo zahebali. Kako se nasa liberalna ljevica i vrli antifasisti,mogu zalagat za abortuse i eutanaziju a biti protiv Hitlera i sve one koji su protiv toga, nazivati zadrtim i nepismenim desnicarima i ustasama???
OM Sai Baba
progresivci, dakle soroševci bacaju dimne zavjese da bi prikrili svoju rabotu koja se u biti i ne razlikuje puno od hitlerove. rade u rukavicama, ali su im moti
vi i cilj isti.
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Napisano je prisilne pobačaje. Također, prisilna sterilizacija. Eutanazija masovna nemoćnih.
OM Sai Baba
sorošev plan je sličan, ubrizgavali su cjepivo koje dovodi do steriliteta i pobačaja kod žena. u čemu je razlika? tehnologija ide naprijed pa sad više nisu potr
ebne brutalne metode sve se sada radi sofisticiranije.
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Jesu li priča o Sorosu teorija zavjere ili postoje dokazi? Inače, ovo nije samo praksa Njemačke. Japan je provodio masovne ratne zločine na području medicine, a
Amerikanci i danas u sirotištima tu i tamo zaraze djecu kao pokusne kuniće. Inače, Kina još uvjek provodi prisilne pobačaje analogno politici jednog djeteta.
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OM Sai Baba
"Amerikanci i danas u sirotištima tu i tamo zaraze djecu kao pokusne kuniće" jel to neka šala? But now seemingly more than ever in history, those in power and w
ith the most intellectual sway (such as Bill Gates, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, and countless scientists in Universities strewn across the globe) seem to be convinced that the world is overpopulated, and that this growth must be curbed at all costs to avert disaster. http://www.modernlifesurvivalist.com/7-reasons-parents-should-fight-the-new-world-order-part-1-agenda-21/
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OM Sai Baba
Numerous vaccines have been shown to actually cause the very illness it’s supposed to prevent. Others for instance, the measles vaccine actually kills more peop
le than does measles itself. Indisputable evidence is mounting to prove that tainted vaccines with mercury and other known impurities are driving rates of brain damage and autism through the roof. Due to the evil powers of Big Pharma, not unlike Monsanto, many people, especially children are allowed to continue at grave risk of permanent harm and even death from toxic vaccines. Moreover, the proliferation of draconian NWO laws are at work throughout the Western world that are beginning to A long history of eugenic sterilization involving involuntarily forced surgery on mostly African and Native American women in numerous states across America was commonly practiced right up to the 1970’s. Elitists who believe they have the power and right to play God in determining who should live and who must die have been around for a long time. Clearly a demonic agenda to cull the human herd has been operating on this planet through all the various soft kill sources. If there ever was truly a political and economic will to collectively reduce and eventually eliminate all these dangerous poisons that increasingly pose as growing hazards to our health and well-being, it would have already taken place long ago. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-globalists-new-world-order-soft-and-hard-kill-methods-an-unknown-and-uncertain-future/5451356
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OM Sai Baba
The GMO destruction that Monsanto has caused on our planet to our altered, highly processed, poisonous foodsdevoid of virtually all nutrient value is also well
documented. But just as the EPA gives federal license to industrial polluters, the FDA permits mercury and other toxins in our food and drugs. A recent study shows that just eating a diet exclusively off the McDonalds menu for just ten days straight kills off critical levels of good gut bacteria needed to metabolize nutrients and optimally maintain the immune system.
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OM Sai Baba
Reducing the world population through vaccines
This statement by Bill Gates was not made with any hesitation, stuttering or other indication that it might have
been a mistake. It appears to have been a deliberate, calculated part of a well developed and coherent presentation.
So what does it mean when Bill Gates says “if we do a really great job on new vaccines… we could lower [world population] by 10 or 15 percent?”
Clearly, this statement implies that vaccines are a method of population reduction. So is “health care,” which all NaturalNews readers already know to be more of a “sick care” system that actually harms more people than it helps.
Perhaps that’s the whole point of it. Given that vaccines technology help almost no one from a scientific point of view (http://www.naturalnews.com/029641_v…), it raises the question: For what purpose are vaccines being so heavily pushed in the first place? http://www.truthistreason.net/bill-gates-says-vaccines-can-help-reduce-world-population
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OM Sai Baba
It’s the eugenicist in the Discovery Channel building multiplied by a million. Not simply a lone eco-terrorist saying “parasitic human infants” must die, but on
e of the largest international financial institutions demanding it. To make the contrast even more remarkable, James J. Lee scared the living daylights out of some Discovery Channel employees and threatened them with a pistol. The IMF & World Bank take entire nations hostage and threaten their very existence with militaries, financial policies and food control.
In its 1984 World Development Report, the World Bank threatens nations who are slow in implementing the Bank’s “population policies” with “drastic steps, less compatible with individual choice and freedom.”
The report, literally saturated with dehumanizing proposals, is devoted entirely to the World Bank’s long-term strategies in regards to population control: http://www.truthistreason.net/world-bank-threatens-%E2%80%9Cdrastic-steps-necessary%E2%80%9D-if-nations-refuse-population-reduction-implementation
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Kralju. Ja te pitam je li to teorija zavjere ili postoje dokazi, ti mi das linkove na neke opskurne domene. Na primjer, koja studija je proučavala učinak McDona
lds hrane u intervalu od 10 dana? Šta se žive u cjepivima tiče, nije dokazano da uzrokuje autizam. Također, ona se ne upotrebljava u cjepivima kao nekad, kada je u konzervansima postojala u tragovima. Nadalje, cjepiva su revolucionarno otkiće koje je spasilo miljune života odnosno iskorjenilo neke bolesti, a nuspojava će na svaki ljek postojat. Promatra se benefit naspram rizika, a on je nemjerljiv. Cjepiva sadrže umrtvljene uzročnike bolesti, bilo bi iluzorno očekivati da ne postoji nekakav rizik. Žive imamo u ribama koje su recimo smještene pored slabo kontroliranih tvornica, pa nam ulaze u gastrointestinalni trakt o čemu uopće ne razmišljamo ili tek postoji poneki znanstveni članak o tome.
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