Policijski službenik zaustavio je ženu na Floridi i zatražio da priđe stražnjem dijelu policijskog vozila. No, kada je on izašao van i krenuo prema njoj, ona je ušla u policijski auto kroz prozor te pobjegla
VIDEO Tragična potjera u SAD-u: Ukrala policijski auto i zabila se u kamionet. Poginulo troje ljudi
Odjel šerifa okruga Marion na Floridi objavio je šokantnu snimku Kendre Boone (33) i krađe policijskog vozila te potjere koja je uslijedila nakon čega se zabila u kamionet. Poginula je, zajedno s još dvoje putnika, dok je još jedan čovjek teško ozlijeđen, izvijestio je CNN.
Prema navodima policije, policijski službenik zaustavio je u četvrtak Boone i zatražio da priđe stražnjem dijelu policijskog vozila. No, kada je on izašao van i krenuo prema njoj, ona je ušla u policijski auto kroz prozor te pobjegla.
Policija je pokrenula potjeru, a Boone je u jednom trenutku izgubila kontrolu nad vozilom te se zabila u kamionet. Poginula je, a život su izgubili i dvoje putnika drugog vozila.
'Moj zamjenik nije napravio ništa krivo. Ušla je kroz prozor'
- Moj zamjenik nije napravio ništa krivo. Ušla je kroz prozor. Vidjeli ste kako se to brzo dogodilo... To se moglo dogoditi i meni, mada imam 34 godine iskustva - kazao je u petak šerif Billy Woods tijekom konferencije za novinare.
Dodao je da je zamjenik reagirao na prijavu o ženskoj osobi koja je kod šoping centra Forest pokušala ukrasti ključeve automobila.
Woman Causes Fatal Traffic Crash in Stolen MCSO Patrol SUVWOMAN CAUSES FATAL TRAFFIC CRASH IN STOLEN MCSO PATROL SUV On Thursday, February 1, 2024, at around 2:00 p.m., Marion County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) deputies responded to a report of a suspicious incident at the Forest Plaza, in the 15900 block of E Highway 40, Silver Springs. They were advised that a white female, later identified as Kendra Boone (DOB: 10/15/1990), attempted to take an elderly woman’s keys. Boone was unsuccessful, but she attempted to gain access to the woman’s vehicle. When Deputy Witte arrived on scene, he made contact with Boone and advised her to go to the rear of his patrol vehicle. Shortly after he exited his patrol vehicle, Boone entered the patrol vehicle through the passenger side and climbed into the driver’s seat. Deputy Witte immediately attempted to remove Boone from the patrol vehicle, but she fled at a high rate of speed. Deputy Barnes arrived as Boone fled in the vehicle, at which time a vehicle pursuit was initiated. Boone fled eastbound on East Highway 40 for several miles before making a U-turn near the weigh station just west of Highway 19. While fleeing westbound, additional deputies positioned themselves ahead of the pursuit to deploy stop sticks. However, before reaching the area of the stop stick deployment, Boone performed another U-turn and began to flee back eastbound on East Highway 40. Due to the fact that Boone was traveling well over 100 MPH and driving erratically during her attempt to evade deputies, Deputy Barnes lost visual contact with the stolen vehicle on numerous occasions. Upon reaching the 26700 block of E Highway 40, Boone left the roadway and traveled onto the right shoulder in an attempt to pass a semi-truck. As she reentered the roadway at excessive speeds, she lost control of the stolen vehicle, entered into the oncoming lane of traffic, and collided with a black pickup truck. As Deputy Barnes and other deputies arrived at the scene of the crash, they discovered that Boone and three occupants of the truck were unresponsive. Boone and two occupants of the truck were pronounced deceased on scene and the third was transported to a local hospital in critical condition. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) responded to conduct a fatal traffic crash investigation, which is ongoing.
Objavljuje Marion County Sheriff's Office u Petak, 2. veljače 2024.
Kada je policajac stigao na mjesto događaja, Boone je prišla njegovom automobilu kao da je ona pozvala policiju, stoga je službenik izašao iz auta. Prema policijskim navodima, Boone je i ranije osuđivana zbog krađe vozila.