2019.je saam najava onog šta slidii...još goree nas čeka...
WW3 is ahead, USA and EU fall, antichrist emerges into war as the peacemaker and he is someone from the east. Do not take the chip(mark of the beast) for it wil
l mean hell if taken(and not in the 'state of Grace when taken) . Gods chastisements(weather, nature, ..) will escalate(mild form is seen as climate change) and we can repent only while alive. There will be a personal experience: ''cross will appear in the red sky/two comets will collide +supernatural earthquake '' - Gods proof of His existence and a chance to save our souls prior Second Coming. Seal of the Living God is a prayer contained in the Book of Truth...This is in short what Book of Truth is about. .take care and have a nice day. Hope you will read this . Jesus is coming.
The Archangel Gabriel said to Daniel (Daniel 10:21):
“But first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth.”
At the end he said: (Daniel 12:9):
“Go now, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the Time of the End.”
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Deaktivirani korisnik
Daj to prevedi na farsi jezik. To svi razumijemo, a može i urdu jezik dijalekata pinjari.
Isus ce se vratit na nama, ako prezivimo sto je pred nama (ruka Bozija-kazne(vrijeme, priroda), 3 svj rat u koji se antikrist pojavi kao mirotvorac, nuklearke,
pad amerike i europe, cip(ovo sto pod kozu stavljaju Šveđani i Australci) je Biblijski zig zvijeri i dogodit ce se cudo/dokaz Bozijeg Postojanja prorecen u Garabandalu 1961-65. ) . ..Knjiga Istine prorecena u Bibliji se nad nama otvorila( 1300 poruka kroz proroka u periodu 2010 do 2015 ..google 'Knjiga Istine' i procitaj koju prije nego osudis ) :) hvala ..pozdrav. Nisam debil :)
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