a Čip je Biblijski Žig zvijeri (smrt duše i vjecni pakao ako se uzme ..)
It will be within the Roman Empire that the great abomination will rise up against M
Saturday, June 15th, 2013 @ 16:48
My dearly beloved daughter, just as I walked alone during the slow and painful walk to the top of Mount Calvary, so too will walk
My Remnant Army.
When I walked this torturous hill, I was surrounded by hundreds of Roman soldiers who blocked those along the path
who wanted to give Me comfort.While it would not have been necessary for such large amounts of soldiers to guard just one
man, their presence was to demonstrate a number of things. They wanted to show My followers and anyone who attempted to
spread the Truth of My Teachings, who was in charge. This act of aggression was to threaten and bully those who dared to show
allegiance to Me.
The Jews denied Me and then betrayed Me. The Romans crucified Me and it was in Rome that My beloved apostle Peter was
instructed to form My Church on Earth, for I wished that My Church be formed amongst those who persecuted Me.
As My Second Coming is to take place soon and as My Final Mission to come back in order to bring humanity the final
salvation I promised is unveiled, history will be repeated. The Jews will still deny Me, until The Warning takes place. The
enemies of God will rise against Me, everywhere. Those who love Me and those who say that they represent Me will betray Me.
It will be within the Roman Empire that the great abomination wi
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