Tko ne vjeruje u Vangu morao bi Vjerovati u našu realnost. A ona je za nas jako sumorna. Vanjski dug... dug pojedinaca, blokirani računi građana, iseljavanje... , smanjivalje mlade populacije, nezaposlenost mladih. množenje administracije, loši kulturni nepreporod zvan Big Brothers etc.... Vjerujemo li u ovu realnost koja se događa.....
Evo raznih grešaka iz navodnih proročanstava:
"But there are plenty of reasons to think Baba Vanga
, a Bulgarian woman who died at the age of 85 back in 1996, may actually be a total fraud despite the fact that many in conspiracy theory circles worship her.
Her believers say she’s predicted a whole range of things, including the Boxing Day tsunami and even that Barack Obama would be president. Other predictions her followers say are set to become true in 2018 are that China will become a world superpower and we will find a new energy source on the planet Venus.
But even though her accomplishments sound amazing, a closer look at her proclamations suggests she’s little more than a glorified fortune teller, couching many of her predictions with vague and poetic language that could be twisted and manipulated to just about every world event."
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Moramo vjerovati u realnost.. najmanje u ono što se dogodilo i što se događa..... tko ne priznaje realnost odnosno trenutno stanje ima problema s samim sobom...
. znači to je muljator ...
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