Koji AppleP Bill Gates imao tablet 2001 i svi mu se smijali dok 2007 Apple nije lansirao prvi e onda je tek počela tablet revolucija.Apple je sve živo pokrao
In 1987 Apple Computer started its tablet project, which considered release of devices of three sizes, with the one eventually released in 1993, Apple Newton, b
eing the smallest (yet it was quite substantial device with 6 inch screen and 800 grams weight).[11] It utilised Apple's own new Newton OS, initially running on hardware manufactured by Motorola and incorporating an ARM CPU, that Apple had specifically co-developed with Acorn Computers. The operating system and platform design were later licensed to Sharp and Digital Ocean, who went on to manufacture their own variants.
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svi mrze apple, a nemate temelje za takvo što, možemo im samo biti zahvalni što imamo takve mobitele kakve imamo
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