Hi, I'm Nicola and I was there when the crash happened, yes.. I'm the guy with the bermuda in the photos, friend of the poor paraglider..
Reading the comments make me very sad.. The injured guy landed on the top of the mountain very soft but unfortunately he put his feet badly on the ground and he broked his ankle.. (Me and 5 others paragliders landed before him, so we managed to watch all the scene)
We called the rescuers and after 2 hours the helicopter came, we expected an ambulance and not an helicopter...
I guess that the rescuers prefer a trip by air to the hospital.. But.. The guy screamed: "who call the heli?! I don't need it!" (the road for the auto was at 100 meter from the place of the crash and I explained it very clearly to the rescuers!
Anyway we are doing a sport that for us is our passion, I'm pretty sure that staying on the sofa watching this will not happen but which kinf of life is that?
So please guys.. Next time don't comment things like "they are doing an extreme sport they must to pay for it" is not our fault and I'm sure if this will happen to you, (maybe by hiking) you will glad to be helped!
The guy will be operated at the leg this monday, hope for a fast recovery..
Deaktivirani korisnik
Hi Nicola. I only hope that your friend has valid health and travel insurance. In that case we all want that our country take money for this operation from insu
rance house, finally. And not that we , Croatia citizens, must pay for it. That is all philosophy. Enjoy in your hobby, and I wish fast recovery to your friend.
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