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Ovo nije slika prije i poslije - jedina je razlika 30-ak sekundi

Ovo nije slika prije i poslije - jedina je razlika 30-ak sekundi

Fitness blogerica Jess otkrila je kako nije sve što se vidi na slici baš onako kako se čini - objavom dvije fotografije koje su slikane u razmaku od 30 sekundi, a jedina je razlika držanje

Transformacijske fotografije koje navodno prikazuju značajne tjelesne promjene u obliku gubitka težine i utegnutosti mišića jedna su od posljednjih internet senzacija, a upravo je na to htjela skrenuti pažnju Amerikanka Jess, koja je na svom Instagram profilu objavila fotografiju, koja se čini kao još jedna transformacija u nizu:


🚨 This is not a transformation photo 🚨 This week I've decided to do the 30 second transformation photo. These pics were taken second apart this morning. On the left my posture is poor, I'm pushing my belly out as far as possible, I adjusted my bottoms to show my gross, unsightly and horrid love handles. These are often concealed by my high waisted pants and bottoms that do fit so much better now. As much as it pains me to showcase these, it also proves that my body isn't perfect and that I still have work to do and fat to lose (I'm working so hard to get rid of my love handles and lower tummy fat. Yes it has dramatically reduced already but it still exists and I'm still insecure about it). On the right I'm standing straight and comfortably. I'm lightly flexing and I've adjusted my bottoms to hide my love handles. I'm thankful for bikini bottoms that now fit well and hide these but I'm also trying to show that they still exist quite a bit and that not everything we see meets the eye here on social media. You can show you best angles and hide your flaws but at the end of the day what we chose to showcase is a reflection of ourselves. My body isn't perfect. I still have imperfections and flaws that I'm slowly learning to be comfortable with. I want to be real and honest and open. Yes I've accomplished a lot, but yes my body still has less than ideal days when it doesn't look its best. Fitness and health is not a fix. It's not a destination. It's a lifestyle. If you force your progress you know who you are cheating?! You. You only cheat you. Yes I like to show my best most of the time but I've also realized by not showing my worst that it only harms myself. Being vulnerable and imperfect is hard but lying to yourself is worse. I know I'm hard on myself, it's a flaw on its own, but I'm slowly learning to be gentle and kind but it starts with being truthful to myself and knowing and understanding my imperfections and realizing that, although they exist, they don't define me. I am not a before picture. I am not an after picture. I am not fat nor am I perfect. I'm flawed. I'm scarred. I'm insecure. But I'm learning and I'm hopeful that one day I'll fully love me 💕

Fotografiju objavljuje Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza)

Ispod nje objašnjava kako nije riječ o vremenskom razmaku između fotografija jer su obje nastale u istoj minuti, već samo o razlici u držanju i stavu tijela.

'Na fotografiji se ljudi mogu prikazati iz najboljeg kuta poigravajući se sa svojim adutima, no na kraju dana ono što odlučimo pokazati je odraz onog što jesmo. Moje tijelo nije savršeno, a fitness i zdravlje nisu rješenje  - to je živorni stil, napisala je ispod fotografije. 

Jess nije netko tko ne vjeruje u tjelesne promjene, jer je i ona sama prije nekoliko godina drastično smršavjela zahvaljujući promjeni prehrane i početku vježbanja. Ona samo želi ljudima poručiti kako to nije lagan posao, ali se svakako isplati, a na tome putu ne valja biti previše kritičan te vjerovati raznim fotografijama koje su često obične montaže. Samopouzdanje je nešto što se ne može utrenirati, ono se rađa iz ljubavi prema sebi, ističe Jess.


"I'm obsessed with becoming a woman comfortable in her own skin" Confidence is a funny thing for me. Some days I feel great and other days I feel so insecure. Saturday I almost opted for a flattering yet safe dress. I chose the daring route for the first time. The outfit on the right is so out of my comfort zone. I rarely ever wear shorts and even told my roommate that I wasn't sure my legs were ready to wear them. I probably tried on the dress then the short and crop top outfit several times going back and fourth. I ended up choosing the shorts and crop because I honestly felt great and better in it than in the dress!! I was worried about it being a little too "showy" but decided why not be a little daring for once. I'm not confident enough to wear leggings and just a sports bra to the gym, but I had no problem wearing this outfit out 😂 I think it's because the people I see out I probably never will see again where as the people at the gym I see every day. So judgement from strangers is less intimidating than judgement from people who constantly see me. Confidence is one of those things that needs to be worked like our muscles. I'm not 100% confident in myself. I have days of doubt and unease. But it's in those days of uncertainty that I like to challenge myself. The difference between the old me and new me is night and day. The old me was shy, insecure, doubtful, quiet, always wanting to hide and stuck. The new me still feels these things at times but the difference is the mental challenges I now place on myself. It's simple things really: holding my head high and shoulders back more, actually making eye contact with people. I now test my capabilities, and instead of letting my insecurities and doubts define me, I now challenge them and prove to myself that I am enough, I am more, I am better than what I feel these insecurities do to define me. I push myself mentally to overcome these things I feel hold me back. I now refuse to think "this is as good as it's going to get". I want to be better than my doubts and fears. I now will continuously strive to be comfortable in my own skin.

Fotografiju objavljuje Jess: My Fitness Journal (@plankingforpizza)



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