Ajd rekoh idem probat a onda te ovaj NEUFUND traži:
"Proof of Identity": This document refers to any government-issued ID / passport or driving license and should contain your name, date of birth, a clear photograph, issue date, and expiry date (if applicable).
If the document contains relevant information on both the front- and rear-facing sides, please ensure that you upload a clear and coloured copy of both sides of the document.
"Proof of address": This document should contain your full name, address, issue date, and should not be older than 6 months. The name or logo of the issuer should also be clearly visible. Please ensure that you scan the document against a different-colored background, so that all four corners are visible.
Note: If your government-issued ID also contains your address, you may skip this step.
to isto moraš odraditi ako imaš i PayPal račun. NIšta novo jer podliježu zakonima financijskih institucija za takve stvari
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