SAD: Policajac William Kimbro je zaustavio auto u kojem su bile dvije žene i beba. Vozačica je rekla da žure u bolnicu jer je beba stara 12 dana nakon hranjenja bočicom prestala disati
Policajac je spasio život bebi: 'Hajde curo, zaplači za mene'
Kamera na uniformi policajca iz Južne Karoline zabilježila je dramatičan trenutak spašavanja života novorođenčeta. Policajac William Kimbro je 11. lipnja bio ophodnji u mjestu Summerville kada je uočio automobil koji prebrzo vozi.
Zaustavio je vozilo u kojem su bile dvije žene i beba. Vozačica je rekla da žure u bolnicu jer je malena Ryleigh nakon hranjenja bočicom prestala disati. Vidjevši da govore istinu, Kimbro im je priskočio u pomoć te je počeo curici davati prvu pomoć.
- Hajde curo, zaplači za mene, zaplači. Hajde, otvori oči, srce - govorio je Kimbro.
Nakon masaže usana, djevojčica je ispustila nekoliko slabašnih jauka. Kimbro joj je potom rekao da će Ryleigh nastaviti davati umjetno disanje dok ne dođe hitna pomoć, koja je došla otprilike pet minuta kasnije.
Deputy W. Kimbro Saves 12-day-old BabyWhen we wear the uniform and badge, we become what someone needs at that moment. For one Deputy that meant he needed to become the line between life and death for one young child. On June 11, a Deputy was conducting routine patrol in the unincorporated Summerville area of Berkeley County when he stopped a vehicle for speeding. What happens next was all captured on his department-issued body camera. Upon stopping the vehicle, the driver immediately exited the car and exclaimed that the baby in her vehicle had stopped breathing. Deputy W. Kimbro knew he needed to act immediately to save the baby’s life. Deputy Kimbro made contact with the 12-day-old baby and her mother in the vehicle. The mother told the Deputy the baby stopped breathing after drinking a bottle. Deputy Kimbro took the baby’s limp and cyanotic body and performed lifesaving first aid. As a result, he was able to get the baby to breathe again until EMS could arrive. Because of Deputy Kimbro’s steadfast, professional and heroic response, the 12-day old baby was able to live. Please join us in congratulating Deputy Kimbro for his gallant actions that prolonged human life. He was awarded the “Life-Saving Medal” from Sheriff Lewis for his heroic actions that day. Well done!
Posted by Berkeley County Sheriff's Office on Thursday, July 11, 2019
Dirljivi video objavljen je na službenoj Facebook stranici Ured šerifa okruga Berkeley, prenosi Daily Mail. Kimbro je dobio 'medalju za spašavanje života'.
- Zbog nepokolebljivog, profesionalnog i herojskog odgovora zamjenika Kimbra, beba stara tek 12 dana je preživjela - stoji u objavi Ureda šerifa.