On September 19, 2008, many professors and parents alleged with bribing those professors were arrested in Zagreb in Police action called “Index”. The arrested p
rofessors were alleged with accepting the bribes from parents who wanted their children to get accepted as students at the university. Also, the alleged professors were passing the students on the exams, in exchange for money, too. I welcome the government’s action to weed out the corruption in the higher education because I hope it will help get accepted the most skilled and promising students at the university.
I was very happy when I read the news because I have a nephew who wasn’t accepted at the University (Prometni Fakultet) in Zagreb as a regular student. To get accepted at the university in Croatia, a high school student must have high GPA and must score high on the entrance exam. My nephew satisfied at least one requirement to get admitted: high grades from the high school. When he and his mother tried to appeal the decision, and take a look at the entrance exam, they weren’t allowed to do so. When they called the Prometni Fakultet they were informed that they missed the deadline to appeal. However, this wasn’t true.
My sister got so upset that she called the country so corrupted, and emailed me that she will never pay a bribe to anyone for her son to get accepted at the university. Instead, she told her son to go to Rijeka (another university city) and try his luck there. He got accepted there without any problem and paying anyone a bribe.
This year in Zagreb Prometni Fakultet conducted two entrance exams: once in July and once in September. My nephew, tried to get accepted at Prometni Fakultet in Zagreb again in September. He was “more lucky” than the first time. He got accepted at the Prometni Fakultet in Zagreb, however only as a part time student. Again, neither he nor his mother bribed anyone to get him in.
Strangely enough, they were the two who were arrested in the action “Index”. The state has a right to keep them incarcerated for 48 hours, and then it has to release them. In tears, my sister managed to call her husband, but her son didn’t call home yet. They should be released some time tomorrow. I AM VERY CONCERNED FOR MY SISTER AND FOR MY NEPHEW, AND I don’t know if any charges will be pressed against them. Furthermore, I am very disappointed and upset that this happened to my sister and her son who played by the rules. I hope this will resolve positively, but I am wondering why Croatian taxpayers-citizens don’t show more civil disobedience toward corruption, and misuse of the government positions.
Please email this story and let people know what is going on in Croatia.
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ne,nikad.učim za ispite,padam ispite,idem na komisiju,upisujem parcijalu,čupam se svakako al za ispite nemam i ne dam novce
bravo svima koji ste ih platili !!! to ih vi i učite, isto kao i doktore i još poneke službenike i moćnike !!
ako se prosvjetnici tako ponašaju,šta očekuju onda od nas...
kakvu poruku nama to šalju..?ako imate novaca ne morate učiti,a ako nemate...,šta sad,knjigu u ruk
e..,valjda ćete do 25-te diplomirati..,jao nama idealistima...
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nikad nisam platila ispit jer do n jih nisam niti stigla.ocjene i bodovi nisu mi pomogli da upišem fakuletet.
a sad kad sam ga ipak upisala ispite polažem samo
svojim učenjem u upornošću
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zato ja danas necu nista pisati
Moj nick je i nastao s obzirom na kaos koji vlada u ovoj državi pa se tako i osjećam. Građenje i održavanje karaktera je mukotrpan posao koji ipak daje rezultat
e čak i u Hrvatskoj.
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nisam nikad platila ispit ,ima profesora koji traze puno i doslovno sitnice i gluposti,al smatram da ispite placaju oni koji nisu ni pokusali naucit jednu knjig
u kroz sve godine studija...kad nebi sad na zadnjoj godini mogla polozit neki ispit a znam da sam super naucila..???platila bih,ak se može kupit ,podmitit,dat,stavit u index,plavu omotnicu,crnu....
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Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu 24sata te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona .