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'Nevjerna je': Brolin progovorio o nasilju nad suprugom Diane

'Nevjerna je': Brolin progovorio o nasilju nad suprugom Diane

Bože, nikada nisam tako pažljivo birao riječi kao sada, ne mogu to objasniti, rekao je Josh Brolin kojeg je bivša supruga 2004. optužila za nasilje

Američki glumac i zvijezda nastavka filma 'Deadpool 2', Josh Brolin (50) odlučio je progovoriti o obiteljskom nasilju za kojeg su ga prozvali još 2004. godine. 

Njegova tadašnja supruga, glumica Diane Lane (53) optužila ga je za nasilje, tvrdeći kako ju je udario. Rastali su se tek 2013., a glumac poručuje da ovaj slučaj nasilja može objasniti samo njegova 'nevjerna' bivša supruga.

- Bože, nikada nisam tako pažljivo birao riječi kao sada, ne mogu to objasniti. Jedina osoba koja to može objasniti je Diana - rekao je Josh koji je nakon njezinog poziva policiji bio uhićen i morao platiti jamčevinu od skoro 130.000 kuna.

Josh priznaje kako je već pet godina 'trijezan' i da sada 'donekle' kontrolira svoje ponašanje koje je bilo puno gore dok je pio. 


I've heard it all depends are what you chose to wear. When you are at home, ready to hit the red carpet, what's important is that you represent yourself as someone uber-special, a real doer, someone different, and definitely highly exclusive. What's important is how you walk: a gait of sex appeal, a slight swagger, a glint in the eye as you pass the gawkers: "electric pupils" I'm sure they'll call it. Then it's about who you're with: sometimes, someone famous, I guess, or you grab someone random: a geriatric dame who used to do the twist back in the day, or a new designer who's battled lupus or some other such disease and prevailed. It has to be profound and dangerous that tugs at the heart strings: something that will resonate with the masses. Next comes the how you say hello: "Hellllllo!". You're excited, can't believe you're seeing them again, and remember all those other red carpets you've seen them on before. In reality, you don't even know if you ever met them, so afterwards you look to your significant other and whisper: "Who was that?". You pass John Travolta, wave, then Sharon Stone, give a hug, but finally you see someone, like Dave Bautista, a real up and comer and you grab his hand with as much man as you can conjure, you look at each other - white pearly smile to white pearly smile - and you say: "Helllllo! What the fuck, man?! Where the fuck you been?", and then the way he looks back at you you know, in an instant, that after this exchange, after he walks away from you, he'll lean into the nape of his wife's neck and, in a stressed whisper, ask: "Who was that?"

Objavu dijeli Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin)

- Brzo sam gubio živce, jako brzo. Ljudi moraju znati istinu, ali što god da sada kažem zvučat će kao da se opravdavam - priznao je glumac. 


Off Day Workout: Warm up 10 mins on treadmill 15 incline at 3mph. ••• 45 mins boxing ••• 1.25 hrs lifting (warm up essential then heavy for 8 to 12 then two drop sets much lighter and slow). 4 sets of those. ••• 30 cardio (either elliptical back and forth from 15 to 21 in minute and 2 minute intervals). ••• Abs: 3x10 hanging leg raises all the way to the top and squeeze; 5xone minute planks mixed with 3x 20 (10 each side) slow bicycles with a one second squeeze at the top of each one). ••• Stretch. ••• Diet: 3 hard meals of chicken or salmon (for vegans can sub with mushrooms or quinoa) and a cup of veggies and 48 almonds a day (120g to 220g of either yams or black rice after workout or at night) and three protein shakes of @gardenoflife raw with greens. One cheat meal or even day (depending on your goal or sustainability) a week. ••• Supplements: @gardenoflife probiotic; and various @hbmaxmuscle natural supplements for fat burning and recovery: BCAAs and Glutamine (I'll write them down when I get home). ••• As for the steroid curiositors: I have nothing against people who use them. My goal is to stay clean. It's way harder, and knowing it's one shot away is always tempting but for what? It's more fun for me knowing I'm doing it this way. For those that think it's impossible: fuck off. For those that realize that your body type and work put in will dictate your best results: that's all that matters. We all look differently, thank God. One person might have to put twice the work as someone else. Suck it up, it's worth it. But remember to have fun. If you drink, don't forget to get drunk and get a cab home. If you love sweets, have a donut then get back on board without looking back. The problem is when we go off the rails, we tend to give up. Don't listen to that voice. Forge ahead. As much of an asshole as Deadpool is, he inspires us to want to kick his ass as we laugh at his jokes. Be like Cable: train to thump on Deadpool. @iambuilt @justindlovato @stephjlovato @goldsgym #cableswole #doit @prevailactivewear #givemeafuckingdonut

Objavu dijeli Josh Brolin (@joshbrolin)

Kada je izbio skandal i Josh uhićen, Diana je priznala kako je 'pretjerao reagirala' i da je sve to bio jedan veliki nesporazum kojeg se srami. 


--#dianelane #hollywood #news

Objavu dijeli beautiful.hollywood (@beautiful.hollywood)

- Diana nije htjela podnijeti tužbu, kada je došla policija molila ih je da ga ne uhite jer je sve to samo nesporazum - objasnila je njihova glasnogovornica.

Josh i Diana nisu imali djece, a danas su oboje sretno rastavljeni. Diana nije htjela komentirati nove izjave bivšeg supruga nakon više od deset godina od incidenta.

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