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Michelle završila kao laka žena, a htjela je biti akcijska heroina

Michelle završila kao laka žena, a htjela je biti akcijska heroina

Glumici se nije svidio njezin lik koji se u filmu 'Brzi i žestoki' spetlja s dva muškarca, a ona smatra da ju je zbog toga publika doživjela kao laku ženu iz geta

Michelle Rodriguez (38) umalo je odbila ulogu u holivudskoj franšizi 'Brzi i žestoki' jer joj se nije svidjelo što se njezin lik Letty, prema scenariju, spetlja s dva muškarca.


Takes a village to Vape with a strait jacket

A photo posted by Michelle Rodriguez (@mrodofficial) on

- Htjela sam biti akcijska heroina, a milijuni ljudi su me doživjeli kao laku ženu iz geta. To mi uopće nije bilo drago - izjavila je glumica.


Heheheh at TIFF promoting 'TomBoy A Revengers Tale' producers are convinced the new movie title should be re-assignment but I'll stick to the title I signed on to shoot... 'Tomboy'. It's in the B Movie genre, a culture shock pic, shot like a 'film Noir' graphic novel. I played a male assassin for four days in the movie, boy was that beard itchy. Then out revenge, a twisted Doctor played by Sigourney Weaver decides to take my character's manhood away with a sex change to teach him a lesson. I never felt more like a woman than when I played a man. For the rest of the film I was a man stuck in a newly operated sex changed body. I had fake boob covers to look like man implants & I wore a fake hairy 'mangina' which you can't really see cause they made it so hairy. In retrospect I'm I glad took the plunge, the industry seems to be running low on edgy creativity & 'real take a chance' controversy, sometimes it makes me want to scream, instead I did what I always do when I'm bored with the 'status quo', I shot crazy b movie Indy to express my frustration. I wish I had more than a few weeks to prepare for this flic, I would have gained a lot more weight, & we would have made some hairy arms to match my Mediterranean look. I feel that my skinny build sometimes comes off hermaphoditic in the film, especially when you add the crazy male chest for the nude sequences. Lol hope y'all will enjoy the flic sometime, when we sell it of course... It's interesting to say the least.

A photo posted by Michelle Rodriguez (@mrodofficial) on

Svoje pratitelje na Instagramu često iznenadi zanimljivim fotografijama. Na društvenoj mreži nedavno je pozirala u  'toplesu'. Glumica je za potrebe uloge grudi oblijepila trakom, a njezino lijepo lice 'krase' brada i brkovi. Riječ je o transformaciji  za ulogu u filmu 'TomBoy A Revengers Tale' u kojem je glumila muškarca.

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