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Rižina voda: Instagram hit za obnavljanje oštećene suhe kose

Rižina voda: Instagram hit za obnavljanje oštećene suhe kose

Škrobnu vodu nakon kuhanja riže ostavite i iskoristite kao regenerator, savjetuju Instagram blogerice. Ova drevna azijska metoda navodno jača kosu, čini je sjajnijom, ljepšom i elastičnijom

Rižina voda, koja je preostala nakon kuhanja riže u njoj, beauty je trend u koji se blogerice i brojne žene na Instagramu kunu da im čini kosu ljepšom i zdravijom. Nakon ljeta, sunca i mora većini žena kosa je oštećena, a ovaj tretman iz kućne radinosti navodno obnavlja kosu, čini je sjajnijom, elastičnijom i potiče njen rast. To sve navode žene koje je koriste iako za to nema znanstvenih dokaza. 


These are back to back wash days, same products and techniques with one major difference: rice water rinse + deep conditioner were added the second time around.⁣ swipe to see the back and close-up. I know it's time for a rice water rinse when my hair looks a little duller than normal, my curls aren't as bouncy and my wash days just aren't lasting as long. I can always count on rice water to get me back on track. 🍚⁣ ⁣ I started by washing with the @bouncecurl Clarifying Shampoo. Then I rinsed with the rice water, squishing it into my hair using a bowl for about 5 minutes (I have a post showing how I do this saved in my highlights). Without rinsing the rice water out of my hair, I applied @devacurl Melt Into Moisture and left that on for 5 minutes. Then I rinsed the DC and rice water out of my hair. I applied @bouncecurl Cream Conditioner to detangle and squish to condish. Then finished by applying @boucleme Defining Gel with prayer hands and scrunch. Diffuse, fluff, done.⁣ ⁣ If this is your first time hearing about rice water rinse, you should head over to @themestizamuse Verna's blog to read all about it - how to make it, benefits and more.⁣ (link in her bio) ❤️ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #curlyhaircommunity #curlygirl #naturalycurly #naturallywavyhair #curlygirlmovement #curlyhairstyles #curlygirlmethod #curlicuelu #ricewaterrinse

Objavu dijeli Lulu (@curlicue_lu)

Rižinu vodu, međutim, žene iz jugoistočne Azije koriste već stoljećima, a spominje se čak i u vremenu prije Krista, u Heain period od (794. do 1185. godine pr Kr.) kad su Japanke rižinu vodu koristile za njegu svoje, obično jako duge kose. 


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Medical News Today nedavno je objavio kako je u Japanu uz pomoć spektrografije dokazano kako ova metoda popravlja strukturu vlasi, no upozorava da je ispitivanje provela kompanija za koju nije posve sigurno da nije povezana s kozmetičkim tvrtkama kojima bi ovakvi rezultati istraživanja mogli ići u prilog.

U azijskoj kulturi tvrde da je rižina voda za kosu blagotvorna jer sadrži aminokiseline koje jačaju i hrane kosu, i inositol, ugljikohidrat koji navodno popravlja strukturu oštećene kose i u njoj ostaje i nakon ispiranja, djelujući kao štit protiv novih oštećenja.


RICE WATER RINSE 🌀 I did a rice water rinse yesterday for the first time in a few weeks, and it made such a difference to the condition of my hair. I need to start going back to doing this on a weekly basis. The Benefits: increases hair elasticity, removes product build up, adds volume, improved curl definition, adds shine, strengthens & thickens hair and hair growth. Inositol, found in rice water, is the key nutrient which does all of these amazing things 👆🏻And the best bit? Inositol stays inside the hair shaft even after rinsing, thereby continually protecting your hair. If your curls are limp, soft and mushy or you’ve over-moisturised, a rice water treatment is the perfect solution. It’s easy to do and there are various ways to do it. You can boil the rice in the water first, you can soak the rice in the water or you can let the water ferment for a few days (this option is the most potent of the 3). I, personally, soak white rice in water for about 3 hours in an airtight container such as a Tupperware box. About 1 cup of rice to 3 cups water is ideal. I stir it every 30 mins or so. The water will become creamy and cloudy over time which is exactly what you want. Sieve the water into a bowl and discard the rice. I then lean over the bath and rinse it over my hair, catching the water into another bowl. I repeat this about 5 or 6 times. I squeeze the rice water into my hair, clip my hair into a bun and wear a shower cap for about 15 minutes. I then rinse out the rice water and apply a protein -free deep conditioner such as Garnier Ultimate Blends Almond Crush Mask. I leave this in my hair for about 20 mins, rinse it out and wash and style my hair as normal. There are various different ways to do a rice water rinse; this is just one of the ways. Some people like to use the boiled water from the rice they had for their dinner! Others let the rice ferment in the water for a few days, sieve it, boil it and use that. Let me know if you try a rice water rinse, and which method you used ❤️🌀 #curlyhaircommunity #curlynaturalhair #curlygirlmethod #curlyhairtreatment #diyhairmask #ricewaterforhairgrowth #ricewaterrinse #proteinmask #healthyhair #curlslikeus

Objavu dijeli Lisa Hart (@lisahartmakeup)

Ono što je sigurno, osim da se mnoge žene kunu u njenu učinkovitost, jest da u rižinoj vodi ostaju vitamini, minerali, aminokiseline i antioksidansi koji se nalaze u zrnu riže. Posebno je vole žene kovrčave kose koja je sklona isušivanju. 

Možete je dobiti tako da prokuhate rižu i iskoristite vodu od kuhanja ili da rižu namočite u vodi pa potom koristite tu vodu. 

Želite li sami iskušati i provjeriti hoće li riža pomoći da kosa bude zdravija i ljepša, s portala Medical News Today savjetuju: 

Isperite pola šalice riže pa je prelijte s 2-3 šalice vode i ostavite da se namače oko pola sata. Procijedite i koristite umjesto regeneratora za kosu, ostavljajući da djeluje dvadesetak minuta prije ispiranja.


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