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Prepolovila se kako bi stala u vjenčanicu - izgubila je 57 kg

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Jennifer Ginley (26) iz Velike Britanije imala je 120 kilograma. Nije željela na svom vjenčanju izgledati kao "kugla s komadom čipke na sebi". Izgubila je 57 kilograma

Trebalo joj je godinu dana da postigne težinu za kojom je oduvijek čeznula. Jennifer Ginley (26) iz Velike Britanije imala je 120 kilograma, a izgubila je nevjerojatnih 57 kg. Motivacija joj je, kaže, bilo njezino vjenčanje. Nije željela izgledati kao "kugla s komadom čipke oko sebe" - željela je da joj vjenčanica pristaje savršeno i da tog, najvažnijeg dana u životu, zablista.


#transformationtuesday Left - January 2015 feeling so uncomfortable and unhappy. A few pounds away from my heaviest weight, four months before joining @slimmingworld 😞 Right - August 2016 feeling so comfortable and happy in my own skin, confident ahead of walking down the aisle as my best friend's bridesmaid 👸 🔹 The physical change feels crazy, I sometimes double take at my own reflection, my mind still hasn't caught up! BUT the biggest change is my MIND! I now actually believe myself when I say 'I will.....'. I've never been so proud of myself, I could literally write a book on my weight loss attempts. I got to the point where food had to be ruled out, in my mind that was the only logic, I had no control!! What do you think I done after Cambridge weight plan, lighterlife and celebrity slim? Binged and gained more weight! THAT is not normality and it was reinforcing my belief that I had NO control. Forget DIETS, join SW and food optimise your way to a strong mind and health boy! 💫 🔹 SW is a revelation and it made me trust myself with food. There were times I genuinely thought I'd never be capable, I hated my false promises of starting a diet every Monday, much more than I hated how I looked. 😥 🔹 Plus I spent one year socialising all whilst gaining this new me! I didn't become happy once I reached target, I became happier with every single day of my journey. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes time to go from self destruction mode to WILLPOWER of steel but you CAN DO IT! Seriously if you knew the old me you'd believe me when I told you if I can anyone can. I'm 5 foot 5, I was 19 stone 4 lb, I'm now HALF that (9 stone 9 lb!) and got here without exercising. Find me a better food plan that food optimising?! I think you'll find yourself unable. HAPPY TUESDAY BEAUTIFUL HUMANS! Have a GREAT day on plan, flex that will power and go to bed proud of yourself ❣️ 🔹 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#slimmingworldtarget#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#weightloss#weightlossjourney#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation

A photo posted by Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) on

Ljudi koji je u tih godinu dana nisu vidjeli, jedva su je prepoznali. Od bucke koja je na tanjuru uvijek imala previše nezdrave hrane, pretvorila se u vitku djevojku koja danas pazi što jede. Zbog njezine volje i uspjeha koji je postigla, časopis Slimming World proglasio ju je Miss Slinky 2017. Njezina fotografija završila je na naslovnici.

Jennifer je postala inspiracija mnogima koji se bore s viškom kilograma. Prisjetila se trenutka kada je postala svjesna kako izgleda i čvrsto odlučila nešto poduzeti.

- Odjednom sam se vidjela u sasvim drugom svjetlu. Izgledala sam si toliko nezdravo da sam zaplakala. Zapitala sam kako i zašto sam to napravila sebi. Kada sam putovala u Ameriku, pojas u zrakoplovu bio je prekratak za mene pa su mi morali stavljati produžetak. To je bilo jako neugodno. Shvatila sam kako pod hitno moram napraviti drastične rezove u svom životu - ispričala je.


#transformationtuesday On the left is me one month into my final SW journey (June 2015), I had already lost 1 stone there! I had a full week off plan, gained 5.5 lb, got straight back on plan when I got home and lost 5.5 lb the following week! 👌 Right is me NYE just gone, wearing my size 6 top from @riverisland and a size 8 skirt. It was the first year since I was 13/14 years old that I weren't going into the new year with the dreaded 'lose weight' task hanging over me! 😆 In all honestly I sometimes wondered if this would ever be my life, if I'd ever be capable to get slim and stay slim. I owe my whole life to @slimmingworld as it truly made me trust myself with food, it allowed me to conquer my food issues. Do not for a second think any of the target members had a straightforward run, that we had bucket loads of speed free food and amazing losses each week. I'd lost 1 stone in 4 weeks at that point in my before picture, I had never lost that much before, yet I still plated up 2/3 plates of beige food and 2 plates of desserts that week on holiday. Your food addiction, issues, whatever you want to call them don't disappear overnight. You have to be consistent and calm. I say calm as one week you may not get the weight loss you deserve and you might want to turn to your old friend, mega syn food for comfort, don't, I guarantee you, you will feel worse. You know what I literally used to say out loud to myself when faced with temptation?! For example - *sees pizza* 'oh my god, look at that, I love pizza but you know what I love more?! Losing weight'. I'd think of stepping on the scales and pizza became less attractive. It worked a treat, I had to remind my dramatic food loving self that it is only food! Pizza isn't going anywhere, I'll eat it again in the future but I had to learn every single time I seen or felt like pizza I couldn't have it. Developing a new mentality and strength is hard, it takes time but you are seriously doing the best thing ever. I was a notorious failure; normality, happiness, health and ultimately your weight loss dreams are possible with @slimmingworld 🌈 Remember willpower is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets 🦋

A photo posted by Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) on

Dodala je kako je nakon te spoznaje i odluke da nešto napravi, otišla na sastanak organizacije Slimming World koja posebnim programima, odnosno planovima prehrane, pomaže ljudima da izgube višak kilograma. 

Nezdravu hranu i gazirane napitke zamijenila je svježom, zdravom hranom. Prestala je stavljati u usta sve što joj se našlo pred nosom. Zamolila je dečka s kojim je 11 godina u vezi da pričeka s prosidbom sve dok ne smršavi. Kaže kako se sa 120 kilograma nikako nije mogla zamisliti u vjenčanici. On je strpljivo čekao.


A little #trasformationtuesday on this wonderful Wednesday morning 😄 Left - January 2015 in Florida, coming to then end of a two week Christmas holiday. I cried seeing my belly in those shorts. 😞 Right - Saturday just gone. Less than 16 months after starting @slimmingworld I WEIGH what I have LOST! 😬💃 On that left picture I was thinking 'as soon as I'm home I need to go on a diet'. I had that New Years resolution for what felt like my whole life. I had been 'on a diet' since I was about 15. I gained weight year in, year out. The stricter I was on myself the bigger I'd fail. I had spent two weeks feeling the biggest I'd ever felt, it dawned on me how bad things were and how bad my relationship with food was. I was a size 24/26, I actually had one pair of size 28 shorts I wore that holiday. I had to use the 'adjusted' seats on the rides and I couldn't even fit on some; humiliating doesn't even cover it. I had done that to myself?! I was a comfort eater and generally was out of control with food. 😔 After 4 months of trying to 'diet', in May 2015 I joined @slimmingworld with a new attitude; fix your issues with food, start cooking, get a routine, change your ways and stay positive! My attitude was different. I didn't go 'on a diet', I switched the balance of my diet, the healthy choices outweighed the indulgences. 👌 Rather than focussing solely on results as I had before, I focussed on change, those small changes in me; saying no to food, planning indulgences and remaining in control. I'm still impressed with myself to this day when I make the best choices and resist temptation. Focussing on change meant the results came week in, week out. I flex that willpower muscle every single day. 💪 Purely with food optimising I lost 9 stone in 1 year. I've gone on to lose a further 9 lbs to reach my final target. One of the highlights?! Fitting in the wonderful size 6 and 8 vintage dresses (like the one above) I have owned for so long! I finally feel like the happy, young, confident girl I should! Also a bonus that I no longer weigh more than my 6ft 5 boyfriend. I've kept him on the pictures simply because he is divine 😍. If I can achieve this, know that you can too. 💘

A photo posted by Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) on

- Dostigla sam ciljanu težinu pred sam Božić i tad me je Luke zaprosio. Bilo mi je tako nevjerojatno reći "Da" bez razmišljanja o svojoj težini. Jedva sam dočekala krenuti u kupovinu vjenčanice - rekla je sa širokim osmjehom na licu, piše Insider.

Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+

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Osvojio je 5 milijuna kuna na Lotu. Svi su gorjeli od želje da saznaju tko je sretnik iz Vrsara

Osvojio je 5 milijuna kuna na Lotu. Svi su gorjeli od želje da saznaju tko je sretnik iz Vrsara

Da je sretnik iz Vrsara izabrao slovo B za dodatnu igru Super 7, njegov bi dobitak bio dvostruko veći i iznosio bi oko deset milijuna kuna. Listić mu je izdala Bratislava, zaposlenica na kiosku
DANAS 5. KOD Osvoji Toyotu Yaris Cross i druge fantastične nagrade uz godišnji Oranž!

DANAS 5. KOD Osvoji Toyotu Yaris Cross i druge fantastične nagrade uz godišnji Oranž!

Možete osvojiti i putovanje na Madeiru, odmor u hotelu Terme Sveti Martin, u Colentumu na Murteru, Pohorje Village resortu kraj Maribora, panoramski let ili dizalicu topline. Potražite kodove u ovom članku