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Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu 24sata te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona .

Religious beliefs[edit] Since age 9, Remini was a member of the Church of Scientology.[7][6][34] In December 2005, she helped promote the gala opening of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights Psychiatry: An Industry of Death museum on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.[35] Responding to criticism of Scientology during an interview on CNN, Remini said: If somebody is going to get turned off about something because of what they read or heard, then that person's not smart enough to even enter a church. If you're really against something, then know what you're against.[6] In July 2013, Remini left the Church of Scientology[36] owing to policies that forbid members from questioning the management of church leader David Miscavige, which she believed was corrupt; the reported abuse of members of its Sea Org religious order; its policy of "disconnection"; and its practice of branding those who have left the church of their own accord as "Suppressive Persons".[37] According to former high-ranking Sea Org member Mike Rinder, Remini's problems with the Church began when she asked about the whereabouts of Miscavige's wife Shelly at the 2006 wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and was told profanely that she lacked the rank to do so. Remini then filed a "knowledge report" that was critical of Miscavige, Cruise, and other senior Scientology members and behavior on the part of members that was inconsistent with Church rules. She was subsequently "subjected to years of 'interrogations'
evo vam meštri od novinarstva.... google translate ... malo doradi ... i imate puno bolji clanak njenom religijskom zivotu...... blentavci
kung fu panda
koko što brate na engleskom daj prevedi ima ih što ne znaju kako radi prevoditelj na guglu .)
al fakat mi idu na jetra s tim tri reda clancima kad jedna (JEDNA) google pretraga i napises clanak bar nekakav... pogotovo o temi koja je bila aktualna prije 5 Prikaži još ↓
kung fu panda
znaju i oni da im je dosta naslov i slika ionako smo manje više ovdje radi komentara:)))
bila je bogme naporna u seriji s onim debelim. bogme i ti naporan
Važna obavijest:

Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu 24sata te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona .