Neki ovdje očigledno neznaju koliko je veliki ruski zračni prostor i da če to tekako pogoditi mnoge zapadne avio prijevoznike ukoliko se oni odluče za tu vrstu sankcija.
Ruski zracni prostor velik? Ma nemoj? Pa Njemacki i Americki avioni mogu u Aziju, Afriku i Australiju a da ne moraju ici preko ruskog zracnog prostora. Uzmi ze
mljopisnu kartu svijeta i pogledaj kuda to zapadni avioni prolaze kada lete sa zapada na istok zemaljske kugle' Lete preko bliskog istoka, Indije i preko svih oceana a tamo rusije nema.
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‘Extremely Unlikely’
Russia would also be disproportionately hurt by any tit-for-tat move from the European Union to close its own airspace to Aeroflot and pee
rs, said Oliver Sleath, a Barclays Plc analyst in London.
“This is extremely unlikely to happen because the response would be more crippling to the Russian economy,” Sleath said. Russian flights that cross EU airspace outnumber European carriers’ trips over Siberia, he said.
Shares of Aeroflot were trading 4.9 percent lower at 44.69 rubles as of 6:37 p.m. in Moscow following a 5.9 percent drop yesterday, taking the decline this year to 47 percent, the sharpest on the 42-member BI Global Airlines index.
Trans-Pacific travel could also suffer if the sanctions were extended to the U.S. Restrictions would predominantly impact trans-polar flights typically linking Asia with North America, consultant Mann said, with diversions likely to be so expensive as to render some routes uneconomical.
The spillover effect from any Russian sanctions on EU airlines may reach carriers in Asia. For some operators there the measures could mean fuller jets as competition from Europe decreased, though deals that let companies book travelers on one another’s flights means services are highly interconnected.
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