Iskreno, ovi se ne šale... Rade po europskom dizajnu, kvaliteti i sigurnosti i zaposlili su stručnjake iz Europe. Imaju potporu npr. Microsofta, Bosch-a i drugih firmi sto nije bas mala stvar. Par citata o njihovom imenu i značenju: "'Q' signifies our commitment to quality" , "Guan Zhi is our name in China. 'Guan' means learning, observation and adaptation to a changing world; 'Zhi' means perfection and striving to be best. " "Qoros the company is therefore an expression of many voices and talents from all over the world, working together as one team to create quality products. "
Zanimljivi su i motori 1.6 common rail od Magna Steyr-a i 1.6 turbobenzinac u suradnji sa AVL Powertrains Austrija
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