mogli ste novinari i metodologiju izračuna proučiti i predočiti javnosti, jer se neki čude ko picek glisti...inače prosječna bruto plaća 1.1.2015 je bila 7977 kn kad se na to doda 17,2% doprinosa na plaću (zdravstveno, za zapošljavanje, u slučaju ozljeda) ispada prosječan trošak za poslodavce 9349,04 kn, još kad uračunamo ostale troškove prijevoz, zdravstveni pregledi... a još tu možda spadaju i božićnice, uskrsnice, regres ispalo bi baš ovih 70 kuna po satu
evo ga Total Labour Costs cover wage and non-wage costs less subsidies. They do not include vocational training costs or other expenditures such as recruitment
costs, spending on working clothes, etc. Wage and salary costs include direct remunerations, bonuses, and allowances paid by an employer in cash or in kind to an employee in return for work done, payments to employees saving schemes, payments for days not worked and remunerations in kind such as food, drink, fuel, company cars, etc. Non-wage costs include the employers’ social contributions plus employment taxes regarded as labour costs less subsidies intended to refund part or all of the employer’s cost of direct remuneration.
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