Evo opet ove haha. Nije joj dosta sto je popusila na sudu zajedno sa svojim kolegama i sto nije uspjela izvuci pokoji milijuncic.
eto sad svi znaju da ti znas za presudu na sudu i poznas sve kolege spremacice. sjedni pet. uskoro ti stize biografski film o doticnom pop-efilcicu pa tuzi hol
lywood. sigurno ces "pobjediti"
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Sta se ljutis haha.
"Shortly after that time, Abdool and Chacon (McManus joined later) went to a civil attorney, Michael Ring, who on their behalf, on Decembe
r 2, 1994, filed a civil lawsuit against Jackson and other employees of the star demanding $16 million in damages (eventually all five people of the “Neverland 5” group). They claimed that during their employment they were harassed and intimidated, which resulted in emotional distress and various medical problems that made them “emotionally disabled” and unable to work. They also claimed that they were wrongfully terminated by Jackson. Jackson counter-sued and eventually Chacon and McManus were found guilty of stealing from Jackson’s property [1] [2] [3].
At that civil trial the Neverland 5 and their attorney were sanctioned $66,000 for lying during their depositions and on the stand and for discovery violations (ie. for hiding evidence from Jackson’s lawyers). Judge Zel Canter, who presided over the civil trial, left the bench after stating he was disgusted [4]. The jury rejected the wrongful termination lawsuit against Jackson and ordered the Neverland 5 to pay him damages. The court also imposed attorneys fees and costs of $1.4 million against plaintiffs. As of the time of their testimony in 2005 none of them paid the damages to Jackson. According to his testimony, after the verdict in the civil trial Chacon filed for bankruptcy. [1] [2]"
Tako da ubuduce manje baljezgaj. Sjedi 1.
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hahaha vidim ja da ti po netu imas samo odgovore na tude komentare i infantilne navijacke komentare na neku sportsku vijest. ne znam stvarno koga je toliko dota
ko nj michaelcic hahaha. i isuse.... ko bi citao tvoje scitabe , samo lamentiras gluposti nebitne za nikog. vidi se da te ova tema dotakla na emocije , tvoje osobne emocije. nemres to sakrit mrspacegayicu
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Kako si samo pogodio haha.
ahahaha znam, tenkre! nikakvo pogadanje. hehehe
Čuj ovog gore...koga je dotakao "michaelčić"....Božeeee....pa nisi mu dostojan čistiti cipele...
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