“I will admit, I’d never sprinted 200 metres at 3am before. I didn’t even get to warm up!” he joked in La Gazzetta dello Sport..“I was asleep, our place is on the fourth floor, then heard a woman screaming outside. It’s often noisy around here after people have had a few too many drinks, but this time it sounded different. She seemed distraught...“She was shouting ‘Leave me alone, go away’ and tried to run, but a man kept chasing her. I threw on a shirt, shorts and shoes to run down while my girlfriend Silvia called the police...“As I was running, I could see he was manhandling her, her shirt was torn and then he slammed her up against a parked car. So I barged him over and we all ended up on the ground.”...“I have never thrown a punch in my life, not even when I was a kid.. I don’t even know how to punch properly. I didn’t have my phone with me, but I knew the police were on the way, so I pinned him down and tried to make sure he didn’t get away...I don’t feel like a hero: I simply did something anyone would do...“I can’t even stand seeing violence against women on TV or reading about it in the paper..Seeing it out of my window, I simply had to intervene..˝ Legenda,dobar čovjek...A eto nije ni bio ˝obučen˝ za neki fight,mogao je i sam izvući deblji kraj i opet je reagirao...Ako postoji ponos Italije zaslužio ga je...I neku počasnu zlatnu loptu :)) A zamisli ustati u to doba i sići dolje,i još pojma nemaš s kakvom budalom imaš posla...Tko bi to...Junačina...
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