Ahaha... ja bih krepala treći dan. A možda i drugi.
Najbolje piće za hidrataciju je pivo 🍺
Hidratiziram se ja i s gemištom
Deaktivirani korisnik
Pivo dehidratizira
Deaktivirani korisnik
Da potkrijepim:One beer doesn't necessarily hydrate - there is water in the beer to hydrate, but the process of the liver breaking down the alcohol causes dehyd
ration. There's not sufficient water in the one beer to counteract the dehydration from the breakdown process.
Here's how the body's process leads to dehydration:
Beer is consumed, processed and broken down by the liver, then it is diffused from the stomach into the bloodstream causing the pituitary gland in the brain to block the creation of an antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin.
When this chemical hormone is not being created the kidneys will send water directly to the bladder rather than re-absorbing it. This is why once you ‘break the seal’ you’ll be going frequently all night long. This diuretic effect of expelling more water than you are putting into your body is the biggest contributor to dehydration.
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