Zašto baš jedno jelo?
Restoran Danny&Coop rezultat je suradnje Bradleya Coopera i Dannyja DiGiampietra, vlasnika popularne Angelo’s pizzerije. Ova dvojica već nekoliko godina surađuju, a prošle zime su zajedno organizirali pop-up food cart u New Yorku, gdje su pripremali poznati Philly Cheesesteak. Sav prihod od prodaje tih sendviča išao je u humanitarne svrhe, a upravo je ovaj događaj pobudio veliku pažnju.
@dulavoux EXCLUSIVE: Bradley Cooper cooks up some Philly cheesesteaks in his brand new restaurant, Danny & Coop’s, in New York. 📸 NYC SNIPER / PUBLISHED DRAFT #bradleycooper #dannyandcoops #dulavoux ♬ original sound - Dù Là Voux
Nije iznenađujuće da su se odlučili za isti koncept u svom novom restoranu. Naime, Danny&Coop će se fokusirati isključivo na Philly Cheesesteak – popularni sendvič s mesom, povrćem, začinima i obiljem sira. Iako možda zvuči jednostavno, ovaj sendvič je poznat po svojoj bogatoj i punoj okusnoj kombinaciji koja je osvojila srca ljubitelja hrane diljem svijeta.
Restoran je već postao hit
Iako je službeno otvorenje planirano za početak 2025. godine, restoran je već privukao ogromnu pažnju nakon probnog vikenda. Iako su posjetitelji došli zbog hrane, mnogi su željeli vidjeti i Bradleya Coopera u jednoj sasvim drugačijoj ulozi – kao vlasnika restorana. Glumac, kojeg smo prošle godine gledali u filmu Maestro, bio je nasmijan i opušten, a fotografije s otvorenja brzo su se proširile društvenim mrežama.
@exploringwithjaylynn Bradley Cooper is not only a good actor but a good cook apparently! Today I’m trying his Philly cheesesteak as he has a pop up over the weekend in the East village! I got there an hour and 15 minutes before they opened and there was already someone waiting for four hours! Thankfully there wasn’t a big line when I got there but it was freezing. I couldn’t even use my phone because my fingers felt like they were going to fall off. Thankfully after an hour, Bradley came out and said let’s eat! It was so busy and the space was tiny but it was worth the wait!! I loved the meat and cheese but wish there was some more cheese! The bread was food but nothing to die for but the sweet peppers with it made it so much better! Overall 8.5/10 +++ Hi! If you’re new here, I am Jaylynn, I post content mainly on food and activities! I am based in the NYC and NJ area. I love traveling, eating out, and just exploring! Let me know anything you’d like to see and thank you for liking and supporting me #nycspots #nyceats #contentcreator #food reviews #njeats #newyorkfoodblogger #eats #njdatenight #njfoodspots #nycfoodspots #njlocalspots #foodstagram #viralfood #eats #njfoodspots #njlife #njisntboring #njrestaurants #njcontentcreator #njthingstodo #njisfun #njactivities #njfoodie #njspots #njdatenight #njrestaurants #datenight #njfoodie #angeloscheesesteak #bradleycooper #cheesesteak #phillycheesesteak ♬ original sound - exploringwithjaylynn
S obzirom na veliki interes i uspješan početak, možemo samo pretpostaviti da će restoran uskoro postati omiljeno mjesto za sve ljubitelje dobrog Philly Cheesesteaka.