Sta ja govorim ne tako davno u svezi Rusije i sankcija upucenih Rusiji. Dolazi zlatna Rublja i sada je Dollar jako ugrozen i nalazi se na tankom ledu a provalija je ispod :).
The Central Bank of Russia has made a subtle, yet serious threat against the American Economy, and the US dollar.
According to Russian media, Russia’s RIA Nov
osti Bank Rossiya has just released a new logo, which is a gold ruble. This action comes in response to JPMorgan entering the economic battlefield and blocking Russian wire transfers.
Putin has made it quite clear that any attacks on the Russian economy will be answered in with retaliations of their own. This latest threat has the potential to derail the American economy.
If Russia decides to use its vast gold reserves to back the Ruble, the ramifications for the global economy would be huge. Already the US Dollar, which has had the luxury of being the reserve currency of the World for far too long, was skating on thin ice.
I have often said that the first country to release a gold backed currency would have the most to gain and would likely steal the mantle of reserve currency of the world. For years alternative media have speculated that China would be the first to act. This still may be true, but now Russia appears ready to throw its hat in that arena.
Symbolism has serious meaning to President Putin and you can be rest assured that the West is taking this subtle, yet meaningful move very seriously. They know that Russia would have no qualms with using gold as a geopolitical weapon. A weapon that could cause serious problems for the world’s currency markets.
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Hajmo sad mali vladari svijeta javite se da vas cujem jer sada jedina opcija za dizanje Dollara je direktan rat sa Rusijom. Izvolite imate 3 dugmeta dva su za p
okretanje Ruskih nuklearnih projektila a trece je da odhebete 100 svjetlosnih godina od Slobodnog i ne porobljenog svijeta.
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Previse brlje tokom praznika ocito vrlo negativno utjece na kognitivne sposobnosti. Clanak je o BRODU koji se prevrnuo nedaleko od SKOTSKE obale. O czaru i rubl
ji nije bilo ni spomena.
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Kvalitetna brlja, vidi sta cini od covjeka!
Da Vama se ne svidja jer uskoro ce Dollar da vrijedi kao i toalet papir u Slobodnom Svijetu!
Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu 24sata te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona .