Ljeto je sezona kukaca, no tu je sprej koji ih može dovesti u red i opuštanje na terasi ili u prirodi učiniti ugodnijim.
Cimet je taj sastojak koji čuda radi - naime, sadrži eugenol, aromatski spoj koji se obično i nalazi u tradicionalnim repelentima za insekte. Evo tri sjajne upotrebe cimeta za ljeto.
@brunchwithbabs What is the one thing in your spice cabinet that can keep you bug and rodent free this summer? Yes! Cinnamon. Cinnamon naturally contains eugenol, an aromatic compound commonly found in traditional insect repellants. Here are three great uses for cinnamon this summer. 🦟Cinnamon Spray To keep the mosquitoes away, make my magic bug spray. INGREDIENTS: 2 teaspoons of cinnamon 4 cups of warm water a couple of drops of rubbing alcohol a couple of drops of dish soap INSTRUCTIONS: Mix cinnamon into the water and set it out for at least a few hours to steep — as if you were making tea. Strain out the liquid to ensure it doesn't clog up your spray bottle Pour cinnamon “tea” into a spray bottle then add the rubbing alcohol and dish soap. Shake to combine and spray. 🦟Fruit Fly Deterrent For a fruit fly free fruit bowl, just place a couple cinnamon sticks in your fruit bowl and you will be fruit fly free all summer long. 🦟Trash Can Protector Keep pests, maggots AND raccoons out of your trash cans with cinnamon. Just sprinkle a light layer at the bottom of the trash can and don’t forget the lid. Those critters hate the smell and the powdery texture of cinnamon #bugs #summertips #mosquito ♬ original sound - Babs
Cimet u spreju protiv komaraca
Sastojci: 2 žličice cimeta, 4 šalice tople vode, nekoliko kapi alkohola, nekoliko kapi sredstva za pranje posuđa
Kako ga napraviti: Umiješajte cimet u vodu i ostavite barem nekoliko sati da se namače - kao za pripremanje čaja. Procijedite tekućinu da ne začepi bočicu s raspršivačem.
Ulijte tekućinu od cimeta u bočicu s raspršivačem, zatim dodajte alkohol i sredstvo za pranje posuđa. Protresite da
sjediniti i poprskati.
Sredstvo za odvraćanje voćnih mušica
Za zdjelu s voćem bez voćnih mušica, samo stavite nekoliko štapića cimeta u svoju zdjelu s voćem i bit ćete oduševljeni.
Zaštita za kantu za smeće
I ovdje pomaže, stoga će se kukci držati podalje od kante. Naime, posprejajte dno kante za smeće i zatvorite je.