Tom i Amy iz Velike Britanije žive u kombiju koji su preuredili 2019. godine. Željeli su iskusiti minimalistički život sa što manje troškova.
Danas detalje o privatnom životu i savjete ovakvom načinu života objavljuju na društvenim mrežama gdje ih mnogi sa zanimanjem prate.
@vanmonkeys What do you think of our new tyres?! Getting our home MOT and summer ready! Last year it was our number plates, this year it's our tyres, but we always go to the same place - @eBay UK ! The process is always easy; a big selection to choose from, competitive prices, quick delivery, and easy purchasing/returns. If you're looking for upgrades on your van, car or bike, make sure to head to eBay UK first! #eBayUKAutoParts #vanlifeuk #vanliferealities #vanlifecoupleuk #livinginavanuk #ukvanlife ♬ original sound - vanmonkeys
U mnoštvu video uradaka pokazuju kako izgleda njihov mobilni dom koji ima malu kupaonicu, sićušnu kuhinju i slatku spavaću sobu s bajkovitim lampicama iznad kreveta. Tamo se nalaze i kutak za sjedenje, police s knjigama... Kažu kako su nedavno zamijenili pećnicu fritezom na vrući zrak, to im je zgodnija opcija.
Amy kaže kako je počela raditi kojekakve poslove u dobi od 16 godina, a do 25. je živjela s roditeljima pokušavajući što više uštedjeti. Osjećala se, priznaje, pomalo čudno što je s roditeljima ostala toliko dugo i nije se osamostalila.
@vanmonkeys It's funny how so often when you're little, a goal is to live in a mansion, or a big house. Like it's a sign of success. It isn't. You can be successful and live in a big house, sure. But you can also be successful and live in a small house. We are conditioned from a young age to believe that the size of the house we have, the car we drive, the items we own and the clothes we are are equal to how much money we have and therefore how successful we are. One of the quotes painted on our wall is "joy is the essence of success" Success isn't success if you're not happy more days than you aren't. You can have all the money and stuff in the world and still be miserable. There's a huge unlearning and unconditioning to be done when we leave school. We're sent out after 14 years of establishment education to go and be worker bee's. Work hard, earn money, buy things with the money, and prove to everyone how well you've done. Oh, and also pay taxes until after you've died, eat the food we tell you to eat and copiously consume the worst drugs (sugar and alcohol) until you're sick but don't worry, we have the cure! You must get it from our health care system, which you pay for but is run by our mates who will keep getting richer and richer by band aiding your problem and creating lifelong customers. Never look for the root cause of your problem, that's quack science. Human bodies are weak and are unable to heal themselves. Just keep going to work, taking your medication and every 4 years you can vote on a new system that maintains the illusion that you live in a democratic society. More and more people are moving towards an "alternative" lifestyle because people are increasingly waking up to what is being done to us. People are sicker, unhappier and more stressed than ever before. Something has to break, and it seems like what's breaking is people's faith in the system we live in. Our ideas of what is successful are changing, distractions from TV, media, and material objects are no longer cutting it and people are waking up and taking their lives into their own hands ✨️ Size doesn't matter. When it comes to your house 😜😉 #tinyhome #homeonwheels #vanconversion #vanlifeuk #smallliving ♬ original sound - vanmonkeys
- Moglo bi se reći da sam prošla kroz neku krizu 'četvrtine života'. Svi ti ljudi oko mene izgledali su mi kao da imaju nevjerojatne živote, idu na divne odmore, žive u savršenim vezama, provode se fantastično, useljavaju u kuće i imaju sve - prisjetila se.
- Tad bih se osvrnula na svoj život i vidjela kako prolazi u kolotečini beskrajnih odlazaka na posao. Odlučila sam dati otkaz i uzeti godinu dana predaha, radeći samo neke manje poslove kako bih se uzdržavala. Osjećala sam se sigurnom u sebe jer sam imala već dosta ušteđevine - nastavila je.
@vanmonkeys looking to convert a van to do full time van life in the UK? don't forget to consider a luton van as your base vehicle!! Of course the space is a massive plus, but there are more practical pros like being more secure. It's our third van conversion for ourselves (each time they've got bigger, but this is it now, we're stopping here 🤣) As with all vans there are pros and cons, and these definitely have cons. However for us, they are far out weighed by the pros. we love our luton van conversion!! #fulltimevanlife #lutonvanbuild #fyp #selfconvertedvan #vanlifeuk ♬ original sound - vanmonkeys
Potom je upoznala Toma i zajedno s njim vodila hotel i pub. Ubrzo su shvatili da jedva pronalaze nešto malo slobodnog vremena dok pokušavaju zaraditi za sve troškove, poput skupog najma stana itd. Odlučili su kupiti kombi i preurediti ga u mali mobilni dom. Platili su ga 13.500 funti (oko 15.000 eura) i potrošili još 15.000 funti (oko 17.000 eura) na uređenje.
Kaže da su im sad mjesečni troškovi minimalni, nekih 450 funti (oko 500 eura) za osiguranje i kupovinu osnovnih stvari poput hrane i odjeće.
Otkrili su i kako sad zarađuju.
- Često zajedno radimo na pretvaranju kombija u domove za druge ljude koji, također, žele živjeti ovakvim stilom života - kaže Amy.
Napominje da život u kombiju ne znači odricanje od 'malih luksuza' koji olakšavaju i uljepšavaju život, poput tuša s toplom vodom, grijanja, perilice, hladnjaka..., prenosi The Sun.