Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Foto: Internet
Ne preostaje nam baš ništa drugo nego uz ovu smiješnu galeriju staviti citat Alberta Einsteina: Ljudska glupost i svemir su beskonačni, ali za ovo drugo nisam siguran...
darvin nije zaslužio da bude hvaljen radi gluposti da su majmuni ljudski preci. u tu teoriju vjeruju samo oni kojima misaoni procesi ne rade .
c My name is Jenny and I am sixteen i have blonde hair and you can't stop reading me you have started!! I was murdered 7/14 with my fathers shotgun and a butcher knife if you don't post. This on 20 other pics I will come and kill. You in. The middle of the night with my dads butcher knife you have five hours!! Don't believe me??? Google Maria Marshall, Keisha jones, and Omar wilkinson
Boy: NO
Girl: do you even want to be with
me forever ?
Boy: NO
Girl: do you even like me ?
Boy: NO
Girl: would you cry if I walked
away ?
Boy: NO
She heard enough and was
hurt...she walked away with tears in
her eyes.
The boy grabbed her arm
Boy: your not pretty..... Your
Boy: I don't want to be with you
forever..... I need to be with you
Boy: I don't like you ..... I love you
Boy:I wouldn't cry if you walked
away..... I would die if you walked
Boy whispers: plzz stay with me
Girl whispers: I will.....
•Tonight at midnight your True love
will realize he loves you
•Something good will happen to you
@ 1-4 p.m.
• Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
• Get ready for the shock of your
• If you don't post this to 5 other
comments... You will have bad luck
in relationships for the next 10